Streaming Your Worship Service & CCLI Licensing
Due to COV-19, many more churches are adding video streaming of their church services. But even if you are paying for CCLI Copyright or Rehearsal Licensing, there is additional licensing that you need to be aware of if you want to stream your worship service.
If you don’t want to get copyright violation notifications from YouTube or have the music entirely muted by Facebook, you need to make sure that you have the CCLI Streaming License which covers:
- Live stream Songs performed in your church services in audio and/or video form
- Re-transmit Songs performed in your church services in audio and/or video form
- Distribute audio or video files of Songs performed in your church services to personal computers, portable media players or a similar device capable of receiving such files
- Upload videos to YouTube and similar services provided that copyright owners have the right to monetize and place ads on videos containing their owned copyrights (these terms of agreement do not override those of the streaming platforms)
(Source: https://us.ccli.com/streaming-license-terms-of-agreement/ , 2020)
Additionally, their are activities that are NOT permitted with this license. Below are just a few:
- Charge a fee or receive any form of compensation for any of the Permitted Activities
- Stream Songs from concerts, conferences and special events held at the Church property where a financial charge, including donations, is required for attendance
- Stream artist or record label recordings of Songs
Please refer to the following link for all the terms and conditions of the CCLI Streaming License: https://us.ccli.com/streaming-license-terms-of-agreement
So make sure before you stream your worship services, that you have the proper CCLI licensing in place.
Click on the link below for a downloadable pdf with more information: